Wolf King And His Fox Consort [BL]

Chapter 148 - The Fox Gets Denied Entry

The woman who came to greet them at the door was a middle-aged omega with a diminished build but a serious expression. She looked from Chu Yun to Xiao Zai in extreme suspicion. 

Discreetly, she tried to scent the air around the two of them, and after confirming her suspicions, declared with a frown: "No alphas are allowed inside Harmonious Resonance Academy."

Chu Yun had expected something like that, but didn\'t let it stop him.

"My name is Chu Yun, my brother Chu Hean was a student here, this is my husband, Xiao Zai." He introduced the two of them with a pleasant smile, but kept his gaze cold and businesslike. "I\'m aware that my parents paid a recent visit, and we would only like to follow up on their findings."

The woman huffed in annoyance. "It disturbs the student\'s to have people constantly visiting the academy," her eyes narrowed, "besides, no alphas are allowed unless they have an omega mate with them. Which isn\'t the case."

Xiao Zai\'s expression darkened. Chu Yun could feel the aggressiveness pouring from him in waves. So could the woman, who took a step backwards behind the gate, glaring at Xiao Zai as if he was confirming her worst assumptions.

Chu Yun stepped in front of him with a placating smile. "Forgive my husband, he can be very protective. But I assure you that we don\'t represent any harm for your students, we are committed to each other."

The woman scoffed in disbelief, and went to close the gates in their faces. "You can write a letter to Master Luo expressing your desire to visit us. If he sends you an invitation you\'ll be allowed in."

Chu Yun stepped in front of the gate and lodged his foot between the gap, preventing the sour-faced woman from closing it in his face. "We understand, and we\'ll be on our way. We apologise for having disturbed you," he sighed and hung his head. "Could I please just trouble madam to tell me if my brother has been here recently? It\'s been too long since I last saw Chu Hean."

The woman huffed. "Yes, he came by recently, and didn\'t leave any messages. Maybe his Grace will still find him in Lanzhou if he hurries."

Chu Yun nodded, his eyes downcast. "How long ago did he leave?"

She was obviously growing impatient with all the questions. "Just yesterday. I\'m sure his Grace will find him in Lanzhou."

Chu Yun thanked her once again for her time and finally allowed her to close the gates in their face.

"I can\'t believe we missed him," Hua Nanyi grumbled as they retreated down the path they had just followed.

"We didn\'t. She was lying," Chu Yun said, steering the horses off the path and into the woods.

Once they were hidden from view from both the Academy and anyone coming up the road, he turned to both Xiao Zai and Hua Nanyi with a smirk. "She wanted to get rid of us as fast as possible. And she mentioned Lanzhou twice, trying to get us to go there. Why? If Chu Hean had told her he was headed there why not just say so? Chu Hean could be anywhere, but he\'s definitely not in Lanzhou."

"Do you think she\'s working with him?" Xiao Zai asked, sitting down on the coachman\'s seat and stretching his legs with a groan. "Trying to get us off his scent?"

"I think so, she seemed really determined to get rid of us. Not just send us on a wild goose chase to Lanzhou but gone as soon as possible. Maybe she knows Chu Hean will be showing up soon."

Hua Nanyi leaned her back across the carriage, crossing her arms in front of her chest with a bored sigh. "What do we do then? Just wait here for him to show up? How long will that even take?"

Chu Yun wanted to ask her why she was in such a hurry to get back to Haolin. She\'d been acting like the whole trip was a great imposition on her.

He decided to be a the bigger person and ignore her. "Of course we aren\'t just going to wait around. You\'re sneaking in after dark and finding out whatever you can about what is going on in there."

She rolled her eyes at him with a sigh. "I always end up doing your dirty work."

"That\'s why I pay you."

She narrowed her eyes at him. "And what am I doing with that money exactly? I feel like this is a very disadvantageous relationship for me."

"You get to insult him whenever you want, not many people have that privilege," Xiao Zai said, his tone resentful and filled with vinegar. 

It was charming how his possessive nature would manifest itself over the most banal things. He didn\'t even insult Chu Yun, he was happy to leave that for Chu Yun himself, but he still didn\'t want anyone else to do it. 

Hua Nanyi did perk up at the reminder, though. "That\'s true! I should be more grateful about life\'s little gifts."

She returned Chu Yun\'s answering scowl with a delighted grin.


After nightfall, Hua Nanyi changed into inconspicuous all black robes and climbed the Academy\'s wall. Chu Yun instructed her to drop in on any conversations, or try to find any correspondence that could mention when Chu Hean was due to arrive. He expected her to stay there well into the night.

Which was why when she returned a few scant hour later, Chu Yun thought something had gone terribly wrong.

"What happened, did someone find you?"

Hua Nanyi approached them and pulled off the scarf around her lower face with a gasp. She had been sprinting, trying to reach them as fast as possible.

"You were right that that woman wanted us far away from here, but you were wrong as to why." She sucked on a steadying breath, balancing herself on the side of the carriage.. "Chu Hean isn\'t coming back soon, he\'s already here."

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