A Wild Last Boss Appeared

Chapter 32

Translator: twomorefreethoughts / TpstT (03-12-2018)

Editor: Hands of Vecna / Vecna (29-11-2018)

Translation link:


TLN: This chapter has too many slangs. Simpler ones where meaning doesn’t change much when translated to English has been incorporated into sentence normally. For the ones where the literal meaning and actual meaning is quite different is translated literally followed by a TLN.

Furthermore, this chapter really shows the unique writing skill and quarks of the author, so I feel like I couldn’t fully capture what the author wanted to convey with the translation, so some sentences don’t have as much of a succinct effect as they should and some sentences have been split into 2 to better make sense rather than using 5 conjunctions forcibly connecting into 1.

TL Disclaimer: I have no experience in translating anything, nor am I great at either English or Japanese. This is not machine translated but Japanese to English dictionary is occasionally used for words I am not sure about. I will not be able to fully translate the author’s jokes, puns or slangs if there are any. I will try to stick with literal translation where possible in the context. If there is anything I don’t understand I will leave it in a bracket (x).

If there is an error in the translation, website, sentence structure or format please let me know in the comments below or DM me on the discord and I will try my best to fix them. Any constructive feedback is appreciated.


(Author Note)

Gjallarhorn’s skill at a glance

Near Sparks


Self Destruct

Great Explosion

(Author Note end)


Time was the night.

At the end of what seemed like a long but short day, I was lying and turning on the bed whilst lost in thought.

Aries had already gone to bed and Libra, as usual, was standing in the corner of the room.

...There was not even a single movement so I might have really end up thinking of her as a furniture but, if something were to have happened she would have quickly responded.

To solve the problem this city was facing, the best scenario would have been to make Merak take action.

However, to begin with, as Merak sat in this country’s position of King, getting into contact with him was difficult.

I can easily infiltrate to meet him without being detected but I can’t really call that very amicable.

It feels like I’m repeating this again and again but fundamentally, I want to stay unrelated to the actual turmoil.

And... as for how to get into contact with him.... Really... What should I do?

Libra had more or less detected Merak’s life force, however, it did not look like it would move out of the castle any time soon.

Move, Sky King. Or do you intend to abandon the title of Sky King and become Unmoving King?

".... I’m bac—..... did everyone go to sleep already?"

While I was somewhat turning into a useless furniture who couldn’t come up with any good solution, a capable adviser opened the door and had came in nonchalantly.

Even though it was in a very faint voice, she politely said the returning greetings, maybe it’s what they call uprightness.

(TLN: Details in the footnote1)

There was a lot of things I wanted to ask Dina, and Libra also slightly moved her line of sight to check with me with her eyes whether she should pursue them now.

However, I stayed silent and shook my head a little, telling her not to do so.

It is because Aries was asleep right now. I believed there was no reason to wake him up.

If we wanted to question her, it would have to be done tomorrow.

"—and, as such, we will begin the interrogation of the accused."

"Everything you say will be recorded in my memory, so please don’t hold back and reveal everything."

"Eh? Eh?"

Next morning.

Libra and I captured Dina, who was still half asleep as she got up from the bed. We took her to the table and surrounded her so that she could not escape.

(TLN: The word used is 連行 (renkou), which mean to "take" a person somewhere but it’s a specific phrase in Japanese used only in a situation where police "takes" a suspect to the next destination; police car, police station or to court. In this case, it’s used to mean take because they’re technically in the same room but it’s a small comedy to mean they’re kind of role-playing a police interrogation)

In actuality, I also thought it was about time we put a scalpel on the mystery behind Dina. (TLN: doctor reference. For the younger audience, it means to dissect, or in the simpler term to get to know their mystery)

For a character that was originally a background NPC, she was too competent, and furthermore, she was able to use teleportation magic, it was as if she was just asking people to suspect her.

One explanation was that her presence was too thin that we simply didn’t notice her in the past, however, I didn’t think that was the case here.

Honestly speaking her presence is not thin. It’s thick.

Perhaps she just changed compared to the past, however, looking at her ’current’ her, it was hard to imagine that she was that stealthy in the past.

If it was a game, it was understandable. Yes, if it was a game.

However, this was a reality, other than me, Aries and Libra also existed.

Apparently, Libra’s data had fried, however, it was strange that even Aries had forgotten about her.

"Firstly, Dina. The teleportation magic that you use, that is [X-Gate], correct?"

"I have been informed of the condition, ’Unusable without Consent’ from Ruphas-sama. That requirement matches to be one of the activation condition of [X-Gate]."

"Ah, yes. That’s right."


Oi, she just casually admitted it.

Or rather, if I think about it properly it’s not really something she needs to hide nor did she actually try to hide about it.

It’s a rare skill but it seems like I’ve been brought to this world using that skill, and if I consider the fact that even the young low-level elf could use it.... Well... Un, the fact that I am even thinking too deeply about it makes me feel dumb.

"Aannnd, next point. You, what are you really?

I know because of the faintly memory of my past, but you were alive 200 years ago, which means that at the very least you should not be of a human race.

Having said that, you don’t seem to possess the characteristic features of an Elf, Flugel nor a Vampire race......"

"I’m just a half-elf."


......... Ahhh, un...... Now that she said it, there were such things as "half".

If she was a mix racial child born between an Elf and a Human, both the appearance of a Human and the lifespan of an Elf can be explained.

In the game, the characters could not be made into half.... So this is also completely my mistake and misunderstanding.

(TLN: Half is a Japanese Slang, details in footnote2)

"How about all the diverse skills....."

"I trained myself to the best of my ability in the past 200 years.

So that this time I don’t become a background - so that I don’t become a background!"


Because it is an important thing you had to say it twice, I totally understand and sympathise.

What should I do, there is nothing more to ask anymore.

She had easily and completely overcome our questioning just like that and Dina somewhat seemed elated by that.

I looked at Libra to gain help, however, she just casually made an X mark with both her arms.

It seemed in this interrogation, it was my loss and the final verdict was ’not guilty’.

Uuuuuummm, maybe I just thought about it too much?

The headache I experienced at that time might just be a normal headache and a mere coincidence, it did not seem like there was any special meaning behind it.

Not good, this is quite embarrassing for me.

Or more like, I should just use the [Observing Eye].

I did know why I didn’t think of and didn’t feel like using that against her until now.... Even thought it was a bit strange.


Level 300

Species: Half-Elf

Class Level:

Acolyte: 100

Priest: 100

Mage: 100

HP: 11 000

SP: 9800

STR (Strength/Attack Power): 650

DEX (Dexterity): 1000

VIT (Vitality): 683

INT (Intelligence): 3850

AGI (Ability/Speed): 900

MND (Mindpower): 2967

LUK (Luck): 643

What the hell, she’s actually quite strong isn’t she, this Dina.

Not as much as me or the 12 Heavenly Stars but, this is something at the level where she would be able to fight against the 7 Luminaries on the equal footing.

......though I feel like there’s something, something determinative that I’ve overlooked but.

Whilst I was thinking that Dina’s line of sight moved past me and glanced at the clock that was hanging on the wall, as if something just popped into her head, she suddenly raised her voice a little and said,

"Ah, that’s right. I’ve just thought about it, but if it is Libra-sama, I can take her anywhere using my teleportation magic."

"Mm? It’s impossible if it’s me but it’s fine with Libra?"

"Yes, inorganic objects and items are not included in the [X-Gate]’s usage condition. Otherwise, clothing would come off when I use it.

And Libra-sama is a Golem, therefore she can be carried through using X-Gate."

This meant that the reason I was unable to pass the requirement for X-Gate was due to the fact that somewhere deep down, I did not fully trust Dina or was subconsciously rejecting her.

And the fact that I was doubting her at that moment meant that I did not fully trust her.

Perhaps this was seen as rejecting her and thus I was unable to meet the prerequisite.

Damn, it means if I didn’t doubt her for no reason I can also teleport with her.

"If you want, do you want to test it out now?

Rather than using it for the first time when we really need it, it is probably better to experience it in person a few times first so that when we need it, the skill can be used immediately and efficiently."

"Fuum, Libra, what do you think? I personally think there is a value to testing it out."

"..... I have determined that there is no problem with it.

Jupiter also has not closed in on the surroundings.

As long as he does not possess a way to conveniently and precisely determine my movement, I believe the probability of him using this gap to his advantage is around 5% only."

I was previously informed by Libra herself that her maximum detection range was as wide as 150km.

Which meant we could ascertain from her statement that at the very least Jupiter was not within the surrounding 150km.

Therefore Libra’s statement that he would not be able to make use of the gap and appear unless he moved at the same time as the teleportation magic was reasonable.

It should be fine then, there should be no problem. Probably.

Thinking that, I allowed for the teleportation magic to be tested.

"Ah, that’s right.

While we are at it, why don’t we try and order Ruphas-sama’s equipment together that we had recently gotten our hands on again?

I’m just not sure which of the weapons are useful or not... I’m don’t know much about weapons, you see."

"Understood. Master, may I have about 10 minutes?"

"Aaah, you may."

The scenario where Jupiter was able to show up within a mere 10 minutes time frame would have to be very exceptional therefore it should not come to fruition.

As such, with a peace of mind, I sent the two of them off. After looking at them actually teleport away, I returned to my room to waste some time.

I’ll suppose we can start moving after the two of them return.

And then... I guess we’ll talk about how to get into contact with Merak.

After I was thinking like that, after a mere 7 minutes, there was a sign of someone attacking the white side of the town as there was a lot of ruckuses.

Da, what th, for real.....!?


Throughout his life, the Sky King Merak had lived side by side with glory.

Being well featured was a given for him, he possessed a very powerful innate Divine Magic potential, and most important of all, he was born with pure white wings that shone even brighter than light itself.

His father was the King of the Flugel race, and his mother was the righteous Queen.

He was blessed with everything he might need the moment he was born, a pinnacle of an existence from the very beginning of his life.

A God’s Child of Light born into the Royalty - that was what people had called him, and he himself did not doubt that he had to stand above others.

He had believed that he was special, he was a child born from the King, and possessed superior innate potential, thus it was normal for him to lead the way and guide other people.

He had believed and was sure that he was to save others when they struggled and got lost.

However, it was the route that was predetermined for him, and was never something that he had ever gotten a say in.

The fact was, ever since he was born, he never had to make a choice by himself.

But she was Different.

Ruphas Mafahl was different.

For a girl with forbidden jet black wings, there was no such thing as glory. She had stood in the position polar opposite to him.

A sinister and ominous child, devil’s child, abominable and disgusting child. She was given those names, rocks were thrown at her, and she was constantly exposed to, looked at and held with contempt, and with scorn.

Even her name Ruphas Mafahl was created and given to degrade and deprive her, a name created by combining the names of two evil devils; Halphas and Malphas.

(TLN: Halphas (ハルファス) + Malphas (マルファス) = Ruphas Mafahl (ルファス・マファール))

In truth, she most likely had a different name, her real name, but she was not even permitted to name herself that.

Yet, she did not let herself become rotten, instead she took that as a nourishment to proceed forward. (TLN: Play on a word in the raw, used nourishment but means a source of encouragement)

She turned the whole world into her enemy, then crushed them, mocking the entire Flugel race who were crying in the tiny settlement by calling them small and insignificant.

She waged war indiscriminately against various countries around the world, and ironically the way she conquered them was just like her devilish nicknames, causing everyone to fear and think of her as if she truly was a devil’s child.

But to Merak, she shone ever so brightly.

The throne that Merak sat on was given to him. It was not something he had won with his power like her.

Merak’s subjects were people that were there since the beginning. They were not like her loyal retainers who had followed her out of their own free wills.

Merak’s life was predetermined from the very beginning. It was not like the way of life that she had chosen for herself.

*The one who possess and the one who don’t. White and Black. Light and Darkness.

Without a doubt, Merak had stood in the environment that was more favoured.

However, when you truly opened the lid**, she sat in the one true throne, and had already climbed to a position to become an existence where not even the demon race could touch, and before he noticed, he was looking up to her.

(TLN: * and ** is a literal translation of a slang, * can also be taken to mean rich and the poor, , ** can also be taken to mean removing all pretence and facing up to a reality. For "one true throne" see footnote3 for detail)

Could he achieve what she did?

To be born with black wings, to be exposed to a coarse environment, and yet flip everything around and climb to that point, could he do something like that?

...... Impossible, there was not a chance that he could do it.

The definition of ’The Ruler’ was her.

Whatever the circumstance, however harsh the condition, she would be the one to grab onto the supremacy and reign supreme. That was what it meant to be a real Ruler, a true King.

As a consequence, even now Merak was pondering.

From the day he struck down Ruphas, he had been questioning himself every day.

And without the slightest bit of doubt, he always reached the same answer.

—I am, not qualified to be a King....

"That’s why, King, you should show the power of the Heroes to the despicable mixed wings, and make them quiet down!"

"No, more than that, we should just exile them."

"The citizens’ stress is also heightening. This is happening because you are strangely lenient to them!"

Merak was thinking whilst people looked and chirped around him.

These people had stressed the importance of the whiteness of their wings, however, that was the old way of thinking.

If you maintained that mentality, then the Flugel race was bound to degenerate sometime in the future.

To begin with, the absolute number of Flugel race was low, and the number of children born with a mixed colour was quite high.

In a place where there was an abundance of mana, the occurrence rate was very high, perhaps the amount of mana in the air turned the wings black.

Which means the colour of the wings are determined before a Flugel is born based on the abundance and quality of the mana, hence perhaps it indicates - maybe having the black wings is superior in terms of quality?

Perhaps even the fact that Flugel’s base wings colour being white is due to the fundamental reason that Flugel had lived in the mountaintop where there was only a little mana in the surrounding environment?

This was the way Merak had been thinking things recently.

And if this line of thought was correct, it would mean that not only was the Flugel race holding themselves back, they had been trying to reverse the beneficial evolution they were gifted with.

To start with, although these guys had been chirping like they were great, the original inhabitants of the country were the mixed-winged Flugels.

Originally the country of Gjallarhorn was established by Merak for the mixed-winged Flugels who had lost their home due to the persecution they had suffered. It was a way to atone for the sin he had committed towards Ruphas after he had betrayed her.

Ironically, however, these guys were, in turn, chased out by one of Ruphas’ subordinate, one of the 12 Heavenly Stars, Parthenos the [Maiden]. (TLN: i.e. Virgo)

As a result, Merak had accepted them as there were no alternatives, but soon afterwards these guys started asserting their power, and started throwing rocks at the Flugels with the mixed coloured wings.

There is not a single difference as compared to before.

If anything, the ones growing arrogant and impudent were these guys, and the mixed-winged Flugels were the victims.

Hence, Merak should have told them off. To tell them to be reasonable and to shut up.

However, Merak had also happened to be able to sympathise with the white-winged Flugels.

A tradition that had been passed down for many years, a common sense. To be told to suddenly change that was impossible, to think that he should at least respect their point was also reasonable.

The current situation was the result of him continually being indecisive.

Black and the White, both side’s dissatisfaction had just been building up. The respect towards Merak was lost, and it had reached a point where it wasn’t strange for the build-up to explode any time.

I am, incompetent.......

This was always the end result, the answer that he reached whenever he asked himself the question.

It always ended in him self-deprecating.

Today alone, however, merely reaching that answer was not the end.

The price of delaying action on this issue. The time to pay the price of that debt had arrived.

One corner of the White town had exploded.

The moment that he had received that report, he knew and learnt that it had finally reached the stage where the civil war could no longer be stopped.


(Author Note)

[Negative points about the 7 Heroes]


Was actually a competent Wise King.

Whatever was said about it, his country was actually well developed, to the point where it was the Midgard’s most magically developed country.

He created the Guardian Deity Levia and magic engines, and had various infrastructures to teach anyone about pretty much anything with open arms, and was well respected by his citizens.

However, he condemned himself very heavily and could no longer bear the words of praise that he received, and ended up retiring as the King.

Passing onto the next generation he had chosen to retire.

After that, humans who had sat on the position of the King was taken in by the power of the seat and claimed "I’m the King so I’m great!" and had turned into an idiot. Eventually leading to their relatives and their children who had claimed "I’m a noble so I’m great!" and had turned into generations of idiots. Finally to the point they could not be helped.

He had a long life so he should have stayed sitting on the position of the King but....

He was often called incompetent but he was by no means incompetent.

If anything, the biggest problem is that he stepped down from the position of the King.


Even among the 7 Heroes, he was the most gentle.

As a consequence, he was not suited to be a King.

Due to his indecisiveness, he would never state things clearly, and always got lead on by the surroundings.

An introvert with non-existent leadership skill.


An unknown.

Possesses a high military might, however, completely ignored all emergency requests from Merak and Megrez and shows absolutely no intention of communicating or helping other countries.

As a "King", she is better than the other 2, her country is thriving.

Deceased Alioth

Nose Pasta

(Author Note end)

(TLN: It’s a small Japanese culture lesson, if you don’t care, I suggest you just skip because it’s is not very relevant to the story.

1 situational courtesy

Japan has a lot of those courtesy phrases that are used by everyone living there, from primary schoolers to businessmen. In this chapter, Dina was coming back from the outside and was trying to say "Tadaima" (informal) or "Tadaima-omodorininarimashita/kaettekimashita" (formal) but it was cut off after the first few because she saw that everyone was already asleep or going to sleep. Often these phrases are said even if no one else is there or listening, hence Ruphas saying that she was being courteous. For anyone interested, the 4 below are common phrases that popped out from the top of my head

Ittekimasu / Itterashyai: used right before going out Ittekimasu is used by the person going out, and the Itterashai is used by the person staying behind. Literally meaning "I’m going now" / "Please go". I’m going now is self-explanatory but "please go" can be taken to mean "please go and come back", "off you go", "take care" or "have a nice day" or something alone those meaning.

Tadaima (Tadaimakaettekimashita) / Okaerinasai: literally meaning "I’m back" / "welcome back" I think both are fairly self-explanatory

Ojamashimasu / Ojamashimashita: used when someone enters another’s house or another’s room, temple, etc. Sometimes used by the students when they enter another’s classroom too but it’s probably not too common. Literally meaning "I’m intruding" / "I have intruded".

Itadakimasu: Probably the most common and well-known (internationally) of these phrases along with the next one. Used before having a meal. Literally meaning "I’m devouring/receiving" but in a very humble context. Used to signify that you are about to receive a meal (either when given by another) and also to mean that you are going to receive the gift of life.

Gochisousamadeshita: Similar to one above, this one is used after the meal. Literally meaning "I have devoured" or "thank you for the meal" but in a humble way.

2 Half

I translated Half quite softly above but "half" actually has a bit more to it than just under a fantasy/game setting. Japan is quite homogenised in terms of race, I don’t want racism war in comment section (though this chapter in itself is just asking for it....) so I’ll write/wrote it softly but, in Japan there are certain views about foreigners and the phrase "ハーフ" (literally meaning Half) is used where the children is half Japanese and half foreigner. It’s probably not as bad in recent years.... That’s all I’m going to say.

3 One true throne

So.... It’s not really "one true throne" in the raw but there are many ways to say King in Japanese (IMO). The most straightforward is the actual word for "King" or "王" (Ou). That’s the word used to describe the actual King and the actual position of the King. An example would be like England’s Queen.

Throughout this whole series, the King that’s used to describe Ruphas is "覇王" (Haou). Often Haou is used in literature or and sometimes by academics because often the one who is haou doesn’t have to be an actual King. Furthermore, haou is often connected to something negative because it’s often given to someone that rules by fear, by conquering or after much bloodshed. The word "覇" alone can already mean Ruler or King, which was what was used for the part of footnote 3, it didn’t have the Ou part. But in the context, it means the throne, but because the author distinguished the seat of "Ha" from "Ouza" I wrote it as "one true throne".

Explaining in popular anime/manga context;

Consider One Piece. Readers would be familiar with "Haki" (one’s willpower/spirit) and "Haou-shoku no Haki". Both of the "Ha" in the 2nd one uses the word "覇". The readers would know it as "Conqueror’s Haki" or "King’s Haki" but it literally means "Colour of The Supreme Ruler’s Spirit". Anyways, getting back to the context, the position of the Pirate King itself is not an official position of "King" of a country yet is a pinnacle existence, a Supreme Ruler who rules the sea, freedom and pirates. In a way, to get to a position of the Pirate King you get there by having a very strong will and to fight your way up there and must be acknowledged by others.

It’s something that a person earns by themselves and only gets it because the others acknowledge that specific position yet is not an actual position of the King (though it could be).

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