I Got Reincarnated And Mistaken As A Genius?

Chapter 5

Editor: Eclarion, llyboshi, Creis

I\'m feeling so blue…

Just the other day, mom informed me about something that will change my future plan

Why the heck I should go to a State Technology Academy?

I planned to get a recommendation for high school that I could easily get with my current scores, and from there I will have a happy-go-lucky school life, where I just had to go to school, browse the internet happily, and watching TV at home.

I expect that kind of laid-back school life, but why do I have to go to an academy, that gathers not only prodigies from Japan, but from all over the world?



That\'s absolutely impossible for me.

I asked mom if I there\'s another way so I can go to another school.

"But Kou-chan, but Mom had prepared everything for your enrollment you know?

She answered like that.

Huh? I haven\'t even take the enrollment test yet…

First thing first, there\'s no way I could survive with my academic level…

Sure, I could speak foreign language to a certain extent, but I\'m probably just as good as any high school second-years, you know?

Don\'t tell me…

Mom used her own influence to get me enrolled?

That\'s not good… Really not good.

The staffs of the academy would probably talk behind my back, and there\'s a big chance that I\'ll end up betraying their expectations if they have any.

But Mom\'s not finished talking yet…

"All this time, you\'ve been holding back a lot, but from now on, you can do just anything you like."

What\'s with that meaningful words, it\'s not like I can help it! Actually, if you say I don\'t need to hold back, how about no school for me. And there\'s also something from the macho jerk.

"I\'m glad you can go to a school where you can do what you like. Dad\'s rooting for you."

He sent me an email like that.

No, macho please just die.

What\'s with the act like you understood me.

You don\'t understand a thing.

Maybe I should lower your rank to gorilla.

And to top it off, guess what I found by the school introduction pamphlet.

A list of necessities!

First, we need Personal Device with a capacity over 280 TB, well this I can agree with. Although actually that could cost over ¥800,000, but the real problem is the next one. A PERSONAL power suit.

Are you an idiot?

A power suit could cost over ¥4,000,000 a unit…

It\'s not something you could just give away to your children, yeah it\'s commonly used now, but it\'s still about the same level as buying a car.

Mom\'s probably the one preparing for those, but can I really let her do that job…?

Her common sense are usually kinda off in the most unpleasant situation, but surely she wouldn\'t buy anything strange, right? Right?


No, I think I should make sure she doesn\'t.

"Your enrollment necessities? They\'re all prepared, want to see?"

Looks like she already prepared them. And when I go to the storage to confirm the them, what were lined up there was exactly the things that was definitely chosen by someone with an off-the-track sense of value.

"The first one is this! The new-type personal device made by Luinne Inc."

Ah, okay, I know that thing.

That was just announced this month, right?

A personal device that runs on "Quantum Computing", and let me emphasis, it was just announced so, it\'s not on sale yet. It\'ll probably take about 5 years for this thing to go out on the market. Well, I like new things so I\'m quite happy with that.

"The next one is this! Power Suits made by Quartet Heavy Industries."

Quartet HI, they holds the most shares among other powersuits manufacturing industries and well known for making the best quality power suits in the world.

Let me repeat. BEST in the WORLD.

And this one here, is probably the best power suit you can get for private use.

I wonder how much this costs…

I\'m too scared to ask.

This thing probably, No, it definitely costs hundreds of million yen.

I could only force a bitter smile with my twitching face.

"M, mom, thank you! I think it\'s about time for dinner? I\'m getting hungry"

Conclusion, I\'ll run away from reality for now.

After dinner, as I was randomly surfing with my device, I stumbled upon an article about the academy. An article about the academy I never wanted to go, but got no choice but to go now. I decided to read the article, to find out as much information as possible about the academy, and as I was skimming the article, a certain sentences caught my attention.

"The First Rank School for Most Population of Cool Guys and Cute Girls"

"Annual School Festival, Beauty Contest!"

Well, Mom wanted me to go there no matter what, and I can\'t force my teacher to find me another school now of all times.

I\'ll just give it up and go to that academy.

I\'ve got no choice!

Totally no choice!

Let\'s go to school!

—- Academy Headmaster Yamamoto Kaori POV —-

I\'m feeling so blue…

Just the other day, I got a direct instruction from the PM of Japan. He told me to admit a boy into the academy, and without enrollment test.


It\'s probably just another politician from some country that wants to get their child some prestige by getting into this school. So I refused with a firm tone. One thing that I hate the most, is people who uses their power to do whatever they like, and that\'s probably the main reason I was entrusted with this academy.

I shall not yield to power, the academy must stand fair.

"This is not only the decision of Japan, but a formal resolution by the UN, you have no right to object. Should you continue refusing to oblige, we might resort to replace your position, I\'m sorry but please understand."

What\'s that supposed to mean?

This is the first time ever since this academy was founded. I asked the PM to at least give me an explanation.

"As for the details, our agent will submit the papers to you tomorrow. You can ask him."

He cut off the connections after that.

Papers in this day and age? Not by data?

Such question of mine was relieved by the next day. The agent introduced himself as a member of the UN Information Bureau. I guess this is what you\'d call a spy.

As I read the documents, I\'m still wondering why such a person would be sent here.

What was written was about Arakawa Kouki, the son of the "Mother of New Quantum". The child of the genius, but that\'s not something that would get the UN moving.

As I continued, what was written is totally outrageous.

At age 4, build formula for mother\'s theory, complete it.

At age 5, design a new model of nuclear fusion reactor

At age 6, succeeded in designing a next generation powered suit. At the same year, he also made an improvement for Orbital Satellite Cannon.

At age 7, started the creation of a medical pod. At the same year, also developed a new type of variable swing-wings fighter aircraft.

At age 10, completed the medical pod. June of same year, UN force mobilized because he scattered experiment of chemical weapon to garden of home

At age 11, improve the 5th generation battle tank that was the main firepower at the time, making it into semi-6th generation. Same year in March, he performed bacterial extermination chemical test on public pool. The Ground SD Force was dispatched to contain the contamination.

At age 12, February, he fired a cruise missile that was disguised as fireworks. A submarine of the naval force succeed in intercepting the missile. Same year August, he test-fire an improved version of the same cruise missile, the naval and air force attempted to intercept but failed. The missile self-destructed at 40 km off coast.

At age 13, January, July, and November, he fired a missile disguised as fireworks into the orbit, summing up to 3 shots throughout the year. By November, the UN Space Force dispatch its full force in attempt to track the missile, but it was lost.

At age 14, developed an anti-cancer medical pod. A small quantity was facilitated to civil use for testing purpose.

At age 15, January, conducted a power-on test of the 6th generation military-purpose power suit in his house\'s backyard.

If all of this are the truth, then that means all this time, Arakawa Kouki has been doing all his activity under the cover of his mother. The agent said that all of this information are all top secret, and I\'ll be dealt with properly were I to leak this information to the outside. I\'m sure by that, he means I will be killed. But is education really necessary for a person with such capacity? I ask such question to the agent.

"Technical education is not necessary. What we ask of you, is to teach him ethics, as for the method, we entrust that in your hand, headmaster.

I see…

From this information, I can see that he acts first without thinking about the outcome. But normally who in their sane mind would even fire a missile, and I wonder why did he fired it twice when he was 12?

Is it because he\'s mortified because the first one got intercepted?

And I wonder what did he launch when he was 13…

I\'m so curious.

After the agent left, I tried thinking up of a plan alone about how to educate him.

But… after seeing all this dark side of the world, my agitated head could never think up of a good plan.

Let\'s put him to special class…….

"Conclusion, I\'ll run away from reality for now."

—- Arakawa Miki\'s POV —-

My heart is in joy. We\'ve finally made it this far. From now on, Kouki can learn anything he likes and make anything he wants. It\'s true that he has done many morally bad things, but surely he\'d come to understand ethics once he made friends.

All this time, we\'ve been pressuring the school, intentionally making Kouki didn\'t have any friends. It\'s all to protect him from things such as abduction and unnecessary interaction, but as a result, we\'ve made him lonely. But he doesn\'t need to feel lonely anymore, we can finally set him free, and because of that, I can\'t stop myself from getting too excited when preparing for his enrollment necessities.

The new-type of personal device and premium powered suit, I even bought him new shoes and bag. Kouki looks happy with his new personal device, but he doesn\'t look satisfied with the power suit…

This might cost ¥3,000,000,000, but in the end, it\'s just a power suit for private use. He probably wanted to wear the 6th generation military-purpose power suit he developed himself, but that\'s not something you can wear to school, so he just had to let it go.

Let\'s have him start learning common sense from small things like this.

EDNote :

Creis: Move to new country, can download Poke-Go in the new country… But Pokemon-Go did not support my device *Niantic is a racist toward Int*l device*…

Eclairion : Eid-Fitr took lots of my time, I can\'t even translate peacefully due to obligatory family visits _(:3

Ruri : Anyone interested in joining Baha HL run?

llyboshi : Eid-Fitr for now

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