Contract Marriage

Chapter 11

T/n: words written in bold during conversations are to show the use of the same character in the original.


At noon, Han Yang was roused from sleep by an incoming call. The one contacting him was HeLian Qing, who then informed him that his lunch had already arrived at the entrance, and for him to open the door to accept it.

Han Yang hung up the phone, immediately heading to the entryway. There, just as expected, he saw someone waiting with a small box of food in their hand. However, the clothes that person wore did not appear to be the ones worn by a delivery worker but rather those of an office worker.

“Hello, are you Mr. Han Yang? I’m Xiao Chen. The Boss told me to deliver this meal to you. “The other guy informed Han Yang courteously.

[T/n: Boss was originally in English.]

“I am.” Han Yang took the small box of food, “I’m sorry for troubling you.”

“You don’t need to be, I’ll leave first then.” Xiao Chen left right after he finished speaking.

After he descended from the apartment building, Xiao Chen called HeLian Qing to report the completion of his mission. When the call ended, he looked back to gaze at the towering building behind him and thought, It turns out there’s already a Mrs. Boss!

Mrs. Boss is a man! He looks so small!!!

Han Yang was unaware of Xiao Chen’s thoughts so he had simply taken the food back into the house. Having opened the box, he discovered there were quite a few side dishes inside besides the congee. Each of those sides were kept in separate thermal containers to keep them warm, so upon him opening them, they would still be steaming hot.

At the sight of his lunch spread out atop the dining room table, Han Yang, for the very first time, was overtaken by an urge to call HeLian Qing. He suddenly really wanted to hear that man’s voice. Just as a bit of hesitation held him, a phone rang beside him, on it’s screen was the display of just three little characters —-He Lian Qing.

Han Yang softly whispered that name, before he answered the call, saying, “Hello.”

“Have you eaten?” The man’s voice flowed from the other end of the line, accompanied by the sound of rustling papers.”

“I’m about to.” Han Yang replied, “What about you, are you still working?”

“If I don’t work how am I going to support you?” HeLian Qing said, responding to the boy’s question with his own.

“......You don’t need to raise me, I’m a grown up too.” Han Yang explained.

“Really?” HeLian Qing paused momentarily, “So are you blaming me for not coming to fetch you earlier and bring you back with me as a child-bride?”

“How could that be possible?” Han Yang was now convinced of that man’s ability to distort his meanings.

“What are you pointlessly fretting over? Even though I didn’t get to look after you as you grew up, I promise I’ll take care of you, always.” HeLian Qing said in reply.

“......You really are too much.” Though Han Yang responded that way, the corners of his lips did lift themselves ever so slightly.

“Alright, dinner will be delivered too, okay. I still have some business to take care of so I’m hanging up.” HeLian Qing explained just as he was about to end the call.

“Hold on!” Han Yang quickly called out to stop him.

“What is it?” HeLian Qing asked.

“......Order yourself something to eat earlier too... goodbye.”Han Yang uttered before rushing to hang up the phone.

At the end of the line, HeLian Qing released a gentle hum. His eyes had within them an almost imperceptible smile, not minding at all that Han Yang had cut off the call before him.

Xu Luozhao, who had accompanied him to the meeting with their client and was currently right beside him, grabbed his own arms then looked at the man and said, “Your whole body reeks of lovesickness and it’s giving me the willies.”

In response, HeLian Qing’s eyes swept over to the other man, his orbs having in them just four words written in bold “NOT YOUR GODDAMN BUSINESS”.

At that, Xu Luozhao simply shrugged his shoulders. If this Princess Qing were to ever lose his love I’d bet you’d find him knocking back a few rounds of drinks, and until that “Scummy Seme[1]” reconciles with his love, he’d just burn all bridges behind him[2] to show his disdain.

Later that evening HeLian Qing returned home, bringing with him two sets of dinner to in hand. Just as it was at lunch, he had again gotten Han Yang the same order from the restaurant, located somewhere nearby. Han Yang knew of the establishment and remembered how popular it was since on the night he had once gone there, he was unable to find a seat. Therefore, HeLian Qing must have reserved their order beforehand then just picked it up on his way home.

When they ate dinner, the two sat face-to-face, so Han Yang was unable to stop his thoughts from drifting to the events of the previous night.

It was true he and the man were not that familiar with one another. As well as their interactions, from the their first meeting till now, being ones that were far from harmonious. But other than the disagreement they had on the day he met the man’s parents, they have not gotten into any other spats. Even though, following that first argument, they did spend the upcoming week getting along as if they were only strangers who lived together.

HeLian Qing had always given him the impression of being someone hard to get close to, along with, being a person whose manner of speaking was extremely harsh. Yet, that person who ordinarily said unpleasant sounding words and whose temper made getting along with him quite difficult, had spent the entirety of the preceding night watching over him in that hospital room. That same man had considerately gave him water, went out in the middle of the night to buy him porridge, and — just for him — even prepared shoes and towels.

All of those act had now overthrown everything he had come to know of HeLian Qing.

All of it made him curious as to why this man favoured by the gods[3], would want to marry him. Even to go as far as to using a contract to bind them into their current relationship despite his own desires.

He really could not see through that man’s reasoning.

“Tap, tap......” Slender fingers drummed against the desktop twice, interrupting the younger man’s contemplation.

“What are you thinking about now?” HeLiang Qing enquired.

“Why do you want to marry me?” Han Yang blurted.

From the instant he asked the question, Han Yang had already began preparing himself to be ridiculed yet again, but what he did not expect was for the man to nonchalantly continue eating his meal, simply saying three little words, “I’d like to.[4]”

He was truly worthy of the title Master HeLian[5], or to put it quite bluntly, worthy of having no friends.

No longer wishing to think of such things, Han Yang bowed his head and are his meal.

When he finished eating, out of habit, he collected the dishes but was soon stopped by HeLian Qing, “Allow me.”

“?” Han Yang stared at him in amazement.

“What’re you staring at?” HeLian Qing asked as he picked up both of their used bowls, cups and chopsticks to carry into the kitchen.

Han Yang, unable to fathom what was going on, followed the man from behind.

Since they were plastic, the takeout containers could not be placed in the dishwasher. HeLian Qing simply tossed them into the garbage bin, only placing the cups and chopsticks used by he and Han Yang into the sink and began washing them himself.

Standing in the doorway, Han Yang gaze focused on the man cleaning the wares. His motions revealed their lack of practice, and his use of the dish soap even led to the cup within his hand slipping and falling into the water from his grasp. With a darkened face, he did again take hold of the dish, then once more continued on with his scrubbing.

That undeniably ill-tempered man, who can easily be regarded as the worst kind of men, was now standing in the kitchen; his white sleeves rolled up till his elbows; his slender fingers originally bound to the tasks of printing his signature and thumbing through documents, at present were instead clasping a dishcloth and rubbing against a dish.

From the previous night till now, only one day had passed, so it left Han Yang feeling such a transformation was simply too much. The lad had never expected that formerly unyeilding man to possess such a gentle side, and despite his manner of speaking being as vicious as it was, the concern shown within his eyes were beyond his ability to conceal.

As the boy thought it over carefully, he noticed in spite of the reality of the two having a contractual relationship from the very start, the man had never prevented him from doing anything. As well as, the fact that since he began living in the apartment to this present moment, the man had not forced anything in him. He had still retained most of his freedom.

Han Yang suddenly realised, the situation was not as bad as he had thought, and being together with HeLian Qing was not going be too difficult to accept after all.

“HeLian Qing.” Han Yang called out to him.

HeLian Qing stopped scrubbing the dish, turning his head to look at the younger man.

“I want to ask......” Han Yang paused, “Before, you said you wanted to go the Department of Civil Affairs so......”

“What lousy suggestion do you want trouble me with now?[6]” HeLian Qing interrupted him, wearing a facial expression with the words “YOU CAN SAY WHATEVER YOU LIKE BUT I’M NOT GOING TO ACCEPT” capitalised.

“......” Han Yang was speechless.

“I only wanted to ask what day you’re going so I can ask my teacher for a leave of absence.” Han Yang elaborated.

The recent programming project he was working on was recommended by his teacher so it was necessary for him to maintain daily contact with his supervisor.

HeLian Qing did not expect him to ask that, and so for a second he was stunned before responding, “Oh... well since you’re so anxious, Monday would be good.”

Han Yang: “......” Who’s anxious! This guy’s mouth is really too much!

“Did you mail the Certificate of Residence?” HeLian Qing asked him.

“I Mailed it.” Before HeLian Qing left on his business trip he had told him to do so, and although the lad did not wish for it at that time, he did not disobey.

“Still quite obedient, huh?” HeLian Qing gave him a glance.


After dinner, Han Yang and HeLian Qing each hurried to the bath.

Han Yang had left for the guest washroom. HeLian Qing expressionlessly stared at the smaller man until he shut the bathroom door, then afterwards entered the guest bedroom himself.

Following his exit from the bath Han Yang, out of habit, went into the guest bedroom. Once inside, he soon discovered his suitcase was gone. Puzzled for a short while, he then promptly made an about turn, heading straight to the master bedroom. There, he saw his suitcase resting beside the wardrobe.

Han Yang, “......”

The sound of falling water could be heard trickling out from within the master bath as HeLian Qing was obviously still in the middle of his shower. Confused about whether he should laugh or cry, Han Yang opened the door of the armoire to see, just as he had expected, all his clothes stacked on the shelves. He did not even have to wonder, knowing full well it was that man doings from just a moment ago.

“Seriously......” Han Yang did not know what to say, so he simply picked up a hanger and began organising the clothes that needed to be hung up.

HeLian Qing, finally finished with his bath, came out to see Han Yang standing in front the wardrobe tidying up the clothes, the shirt currently held in his hand looking quite familiar. HeLian Qing’s eyes widened when he realised the shirt was his own.

This man lived alone. Normally at the company his lunch was reserved by his secretary, while dinner was taken care of at random. On the weekends, if he did not return to his family’s home, he would just order take out. His laundry was sent off to the drycleaners, and after they were returned he would simply stuff them into the cupboard right away, not in the mood to organise them. After all, he did have many suits, enough to manage a suit a day and any changes in between, it was all just utter chaos.

For some time his gaze was fixed on the lad while he stood facing the cupboard helping him tidy up his clothes. How was he to describe the feeling within him? It just finally seemed like they were people who were living together.

This feeling is extremely satisfying. HeLian Qing thought to himself.Translated by -[iana]-, read at :anameescans [DOT] wordpress [DOT] com

Picking up another shirt by its collar, Han Yang again straightened the item out and hung it back in the cupboard. Turning around, he saw HeLian Qing looking towards him, seeing the man sights locked on him so intently, he subconsciously began to explain, “I saw your clothes were a little disorganised so I tidied them up a bit.”

“Oh.” HeLian Qing walked over, standing at the shorter man’s back, his hand then stretched to open the cupboard’s door. Slowly, he leaned his body forward to survey inside the armoire, the entire action all seeming as if it were an inspection.

With such a posture the man was so close to Han Yang, it made the boy feel as if the man was stuck to his back. The leaning man’s body still carried the warm vapours from his shower, which made Han Yang’s back stiffen, as he stood there motionless.

HeLian Qing wore an earnest expression as he took a good look for half a minute, just to then slowly say, “That’s okay, I finally understand a bit about what it means.”

Han Yang not understanding the statement, asked, “What?”

HeLian Qing in response softly replied, “The care of a wife.[7]”

Han Yang, “......”

“Can you excuse me.” Han Yang requested.

“Oh.” HeLian Qing looked as if he just remembered where he was, withdrew his hand and retreated by a couple steps before straightening his form.

After he left, Han Yang breathed out a sigh of relief, then pulled the door of the wardrobe close and turned around just to be left awestruck once more. This time it was all because HeLian Qing had only worn a pair of briefs thus leaving his sturdy chest bare — naked, and completely lacking any cover to appear before his eyes.

Han Yang remained stunned for three whole seconds before he turned around to avert his gaze, at the completion of his action he heard HeLian Qing say, “You sure you don’t want to have another look, you touched it quite a few times last night.”

Last night was a reference to when HeLian Qing embraced him. Han Yang unable to respond, chose to act as an ostrich. Turning, heading to the other side of the bed and sat down.

HeLian Qing grabbed a pair of pajama bottoms and while he put them on he asked, “Did you take your medicine?”

Han Yang, “I took it.”

Finished dressing into his pajamas, with the upper part of his body left bare, HeLian Qing looked towards at Han Yang, “Then just go to bed.”

Han Yang was yet again in a daze, “Huh?”

HeLian Qing noticing the boy’s bewilderment, arched his brow, and said, “What’s ruminating in that head of yours? Don’t worry, I won’t make a move on you. Wait until after your body[health] gets better.”

Han Yang, “......”

When he slept, HeLian Qing one handedly drew Han Yang by the waist, half embracing him as he laid down and it caused Han Yang movements to become awkward, so suggested, “Is it possible for you to not hold me all the time?”

In reply the man just tightened his hold, “You have quite a lot of suggestions, don’t you?”

“I’m just not used to it.” Han Yang explained.

“Oh.” HeLian Qing countered, “I’m very used to it.” The implication here being:

I’m the Da-ye[Boss], I have the final say.

Han Yang wanted to say something, but right before he could, HeLian Qing added, “I’m really sleepy now, so just behave yourself and don’t bother me.”

Listening to what he said, Han Yang recalled the other night where the man had spent its entirety taking care of him, and today he had also gone to receive a corporate partner, given all these, he surely must have been very tired. So with that being the case the lad obediently shut up, laid still and allowed the man to embrace him.

Realizing he behaved, HeLian Qing, now satisfied, closed his eyes and fell asleep. He was indeed quite spent.

It wasn’t long before, Han Yang heard steady breaths beside his ears, he guessed HeLian Qing had fallen asleep. Very gently he turned his head, to see that the man’s eyes were truly closed and his ordinarily cold, rigid expression had softened.

The arm around his waist still held him tightly, the impression it gave was quite powerful. Han Yang, although not accustomed to the sensation, also could not say he disliked it, as instead it gave an indescribably warm feeling.

Calmly peering at HeLian Qing for a few seconds, Han Yang silently mouthed the words, Goodnight.



[1] 渣攻: Zhā gōng: (lit. Slag attack) Slag is scum, gong is Top/Seme. Scum Seme are grumpy/rude/foul-mouthed/(other not so nice traits) in the dominant partner. (Lan Lin’s works has a good number of them)

[2] 过河拆桥: guò hé chāi qiáo: [idiom](lit. to destroy the bridge after crossing the river (idiom); meaning. tossing someone who helped you aside after getting what you want.

[3] 天之骄子: tiānzhē jiāo zǐ: God’s favoured one. An extremely lucky/blessed person.

[4] 我乐意: wǒ lèyì: I’d be happy/glad/willing/pleased/want/like to. To be content/okay with doing something.

(Our Princess used and will probably keep using this three worded phrase.)

[5] 赫连大爷: HeLian Da-ye: I’m interpreting the use of Da-ye here as Master/Lord. So basically Han Yang seemed to be calling him a dick. Note the other instance of the term were it’s translated as “Boss”. It also means grandfather, uncle, an arrogant fellow, etc. etc. etc.

[6] 幺蛾子: yao-e-zi: (lit. moth) means:- to make trouble out of nothing; pull ideas out of thin air; play tricks; bad/shitty ideas/suggestions.

[7] 为人妻: wèirèn qī: (wife, or characteristics of a wife) it’s used to refer to a caring person. I don’t think the gender of the person being described matters in it usage.

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