Samsara Online

Chapter 87 The love of reunion, the heartbreak of separation.

Precisely speaking, about his identity in the Samsara world, ’Shiva’.

"A new world announcement in Samsara Online happened not long ago. Surprisingly for some and perhaps not so surprisingly for others, the player who was named by the announcement system was the same player. as well as the only one to date, in conquering the first mission of advance job in Despair mode.

The Chinese player, ’Shiva’, shook the virtual world once again after defeating an EMPEROR grade monster or NPC. The most surprising thing is not that he is the first player to achieve such a feat, what is surprising is that, as in his first announcement, the system only gave his name during the world announcement. In short, the Shiva player defeated a monster or NPC of such a degree, alone!

Naturally, this caused a lot of commotion among players. Many of them published again complaints in the official Samsara Online forum. Most of the complaints are from other countries, such as; USA, Japan, UK, Germany, Italy, etc.

On the other hand, many players from India have different opinions about the fact that the Chinese player ’Shiva’ uses the name of a god from their religion. Some of them are happy that the person who is using the name of one of the Hindu gods is giving honor to that name.

However, many of them are not satisfied with a person from another country using the name of their god. Their reasoning is that, when all the Battle Zones begin to fight, they should fight a person with the name of a god that they worship."

Xie Yao, who had been stealing looks at Xie Feng repeatedly while blushing slightly, suddenly became upset when she heard the commentator’s words on television.

"Why are these people always trying to make things harder for big brother Xie Feng? While they are fighting mobs of lower level or same level, you are fighting monsters of much higher level and grade than yours. While they are comfortable with the low probability of dying, losing levels and equipment, big brother Xie Feng is at constant risk of losing levels and equipment... What right do these people have to say bad things about you?".

It is usually impossible for Xie Yao to get angry. She is usually a very nice person with a smile on her face. But whenever the issue involves Xie Feng, she can go from being a kind angel to an angry little angel.

Xie Feng gently touched her hand and casually said, "Don’t be angry at what other people say or think. Human beings are such an unpleasant race that, instead of spending time trying to improve themselves, they spend their time trying to degrade others As if their lives were long enough".

Xie Feng smiled slightly, looked Xie Yao in the eye, and continued:

"So you don’t need to bother with them. There is no need to be bothered by the eyes or ridicule of others. You only need to worry about yourself and those you care about... For you must believe that those who are outstanding will never waste their time in that way. So, it is not worth bothering with people who are clearly not outstanding".

Not only Xie Yao, Gu Qianxue too seemed surprised after hearing Xie Feng’s reasoning. After thinking about it for a moment, the two girls realized that his words were correct.

Gu Qianxue was the first to nod: "I agree with the way Xie Feng thinks. People have a lot of things to improve about themselves, but instead of doing that, what most people do is make fun of the ’deficiencies’ of others. The only reason they do this is because they don’t feel comfortable with their current self".

Xie Feng blinked for a moment and said slightly surprised, "Uh?... I’m a little surprised that you think that way, Qianxue. I didn’t know that your thoughts would actually be so close to mine".

Gu Qianxue put her little tongue out of her mouth in a cute way, and with a smile, she mocked: "Oh, there are so many things you don’t know about me! But you will learn slowly".

It was then that Xie Yao also nodded and expressed her agreement by the thought of both of them: "You two are right. These kinds of people are not worth it".

After that small incident, the three continued to dine quietly while chatting with each other.

"Qianxue, why did you decide to study Communication and Marketing?". Xie Feng asked.

Although Gu Qianxue always sneaks into his bed at night, the amount of things they talk about during the day is not much. At first, Xie Feng thought that Gu Qianxue would be a girl who talks all day long based on her personality. But surprisingly for him, she was actually a girl who spent most of her time in silence and paying attention to other people’s words and actions.

This clearly does not match much with the personality of an innocent girl. After all, innocent kids tend to talk nonstop and don’t hold back when they say something. But little by little, Xie Feng realized that Gu Qianxue might not be as innocent and ignorant of life as he initially thought.

Gu Qianxue put down her chopsticks for a moment and answered Xie Feng’s question: "China is a country with overpopulation problems, especially in recent years, the number of births has increased dramatically. Therefore, each family is only allowed to have a maximum of two children. China’s top five families are no exception to this rule.

In addition, to maintain stability and peace within the family, the leaders of each of the five families, including my father, tend to always have only one child. Otherwise, if the two children start fighting for power, it would be problematic.

So far, only the leader of the Yao family, Yao Xiyu, has had two children. Fortunately for him, he only had a son and a daughter, so the problem that could have been born from the dispute of two sons was abolished... Well, the leader of the Nangong family has two children, two sons. But this case is special because the second young master of the Nangong family has no interest in leading his family and only knows how to have fun all day long.

Since I was a young girl, my mother and father always told me that the day would come when the whole Gu family would have to be controlled by me. Therefore, from an early age, I was guided and taught by the best teachers in the world. Etiquette, language, psychology, business, etc. The reason why I started studying Communication and Marketing in college is that in the not too distant future I must control all my family’s businesses".

Xie Feng could not help but sigh internally when he heard Gu Qianxue’s detailed explanation of her reasons.

The descendants of powerful families, moreover, direct descendants of the five most powerful families of a superpower such as China, can enjoy a life of luxury. From birth, each of them can enjoy the best food, the best cars, the most expensive clothes, and the most advanced studies.

The problem is that not all of them can resist the pressure of leading such a big family and so much history. Not everyone can resist the pressure of ’what if I make a mistake and my family goes under’.

Therefore, many of these young people become useless to society. People who only know how to enjoy the pleasures of life; sex, alcohol, parties, race cars, etc. These types of people are also the ones who cause many problems and harm innocents.

On the other hand, those who really overcome the strict training and guidance by their families, are usually exceptional people. People with intelligence and knowledge that normal people could never compare to.

Gu Qianxue undoubtedly belongs to the second type of person.

’Perhaps, there is really a lot I don’t know about her yet... Probably not even her father knows what this little girl has inside her head...’. Xie Feng could not help but think that way.

"All that sounds really difficult... Although my parents also sent me to classes of noble etiquette, piano, and other things, I never had the pressure to take my family to higher altitudes". commented Xie Yao as she looked at Gu Qianxue now with some sympathy.

Gu Qianxue shook her head indicating it was nothing. Suddenly, she smiled and said, "Well, that’s because not all of us are as lucky as you are".

Xie Yao thought for a moment and then she nodded in agreement: "Mm..." She looked at Xie Feng with a slightly guilty and loving expression: "If it weren’t for him coming into my life... no, I don’t even dare to think about that".

Xie Feng looked at Xie Yao with a smile. His expression was the same as hers, full of love and affection.

"When I was still in love with God...

I never expected such a farewell to come...♪"

It was just then that the angelic, emotion-filled voice of a woman caused Xie Feng to become distracted while staring blankly at the television.

Such a beautiful voice and a song that seemed to carry both positive and negative emotions.

The love of reunion, the heartbreak of separation.

The happiness of meeting, the sadness of leaving.

The desire to see each other again, and the belief that destiny would surely bring them together again.

********************** End of volume 2! **********************

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