Phoenix Phire

Chapter 561 - Chasing Kane

The Silver Drakon glided high above the Turncoat Burrough, her sharp eyes scanning their target. The entire roof of the Keep had collapsed into the floor beneath it, burying the cannons and ballistae under tons of rock.

/Flight: Fey: Break off in groups of three and light it up. Let\'s show them why they call us Inferno. Muncie, you\'re with me.

The Silver Drakon banked suddenly, her speed increasing as the dragon puppet struggled to stay close. She aimed for the edge of the Keep and stooped suddenly, her speed decreasing as her wings caused gale-force winds to fan the burning fortress.

[Burst][Drakon Breath: Silverflames]

Superheated silver flame turned her path into liquid, causing it to melt away while she cut a wide swath the length of the Keep. When she pulled up, a wide gap through two levels could be seen.

/Flight: Muncie: Fey\'s fire exposed the next floor; concentrate your attacks there!

/Flight: Fey: Fly through the attack run; we\'ll group up over the ocean and make a second pass.


Nix advanced slowly up the stairs; the heat in the Keep was rising at an unprecedented rate. The sulfur smell of fire drifted downward, and in the background, the sound of intense fighting could be heard.

/Alpha: Semmi: I\'m worried about the other group.

/Alpha: Nix: Same here, we\'ll lend them some Ravager support.

Nix gestured toward the two Ravagers. "Go gather some Rats and help out our friends.

/Alpha: Sasi: Should we stay with them?

/Alpha: Nix: Stay within one level of us. You\'re our backup if we need it.

The two Ravagers bolted back down the stairs, leaving Alpha at the entrance to the fourth level.

According to the data they were given. Hulo\'s office was located on the fourth floor. A stealthed Alpha group stepped carefully into the hall; smoke hung thick near the ceiling as if trying to escape the corridor\'s oven-like temperature.

/Alpha: Nix: Scouts move forward, Pon and Fajii take the middle. I\'ll watch our six.

Semmi crouched low, the fingers on her right hand grazing the floor as she moved down the left side of the hall. The stone floor felt like a frying pan; she paused when Wind held up a hand pointed at the two archways ahead.

/Alpha: Wind: Right side, two individuals. Follow me, Sem. Main group hang back.

Wind stopped outside the door as Semmi ducked into the left passage. A moment later, she reappeared and shook her head.

/Alpha: Semmi: Left side is clear.

Two Trifecta fighters stood facing the doorway; the nearer one held a mace in one hand while the other held a bow. Semmi placed a hand on Wind\'s shoulder and followed directly behind him as he entered the room. When neither enemy could see through their stealth, Wind circled the cleric and came in behind him.

Since her target was standing with his back to the wall, the blond thief waited for her team member. Wind\'s hand clamped over his target\'s mouth while his blade punched upward through the base of the healer\'s skull. The motion caused the Archer to turn and notch an arrow just as Semmi\'s void dagger sliced through the front of his throat.

Within seconds, the two thieves retraced their steps and started back down the long hall. A door pushed open a few meters away; as the witch stepped into the hall, the floor under their feet lit up with runes.

/Alpha: Semmi: Floor Trap

Nix has shifted into the [Phoenix] form.

Semmi\'s feet have melded with the floor.

Wind\'s feet have melded with the floor.

Pon\'s feet have melded with the floor.

Fajii\'s Feet have melded with the floor, but her understanding of Scorched Earth has freed her.

Orange and red flames lit up the hall as the Phoenix flashed by the Inferno thieves in a blur of fire.

Hulo has cast [Counterspell: Reflection]

Nix\'s talons sunk deep into the witch\'s shoulder, its curved beak pecked at his eyes while the Phoenix\'s natural flames scorched Hulo.

The witch backed away, roaring in anger as the staff he carried slammed onto the floor.


Nix was pushed backward several meters, giving the witch enough time to escape. Two void daggers, a mace, and Balefire flew through the space he occupied a moment before.

Nix dropped the Phoenix form and picked up Fajii\'s mace while she freed the others. Wind scowled as he pulled his and Semmi\'s dagger out of the stone wall.

/Alpha: Wind: Just a bit too slow. Sorry.

Pon chuckled from the rear of the formation. "You fucking pecked him."

Nix nodded, smiling while remembering the deep gouges he put on the witch\'s face. Unfortunately, he had missed the eyes. "He used the counterspell, so I went with a physical attack."

/Alpha: Nix: Rabi? Are you close? See if you can sniff out Hulo.

/Alpha: Rabi: He\'s still on your level, just further away

Wind shared a glance with Semmi before continuing forward; both of them wanted to sample the Ravager\'s hyper-senses.

/Alpha: Semmi: When we get back to Haven. I want a Ravager armor set.

/Alpha: Wind: Same.

/Alpha: Nix: Maybe. Walk us into another trap, and you two can forget it.

Wind frowned from his position at the front. However, he didn\'t reply but only because he agreed.

/Alpha: Wind: Fighting up ahead. Avoid it? Or lend a hand?

/Alpha: Nix: Our task is Hulo, we can help our friends after.

/Inferno: Jun Li: Flight team return to base. Ground forces move in!

The crashing sound of collapsing walls echoed down the halls. Alpha team entered a large room, with one wall exposed to the outside. Undead fighters were streaming in while a group of Trifecta was attempting to hold them off. Bali could be seen among the invaders, her bow in hand as she fired nonstop.

/Alpha: Semmi: It would take us a second to help out!

/Alpha: Nix: STOP!

Nix morphed into his basilisk form, just as the Illusion faded. The noise, the broken wall, and all of the fighters disappeared.

Semmi has been silenced.

Wind has been silenced.

Pon has been silenced.

Fajii has been silenced.

Nix has been silenced.

The Witch appeared in the center of the room. "Nix! Time for you to die!" The evil smile dropped suddenly when the basilisk attacked. "How did you..."

The reptile struck suddenly; a movement spell already in place enabled Hulo to avoid the strike as the basilisk\'s fangs gouged deep ruts into the floor.

Hulo has cast [Blind].

Nix flashed forward, the basilisk\'s armor plates shielded his eyes as he feinted with a strike, reversing direction, his the long reptilian tail swept the target area, striking Hulo and sending him skidding across the floor. The witch vanished from view before he stopped sliding.

/Alpha: Rabi: Bad man is below you now. Rabi is going to chase him with Rats!

Nix has resisted Silence.

Pon has resisted Silence.

"That fucking guy." Pon\'s first words were, of course, curses. "How did you know that was an illusion?"

"Because he is worthy." A black fox pranced across the floor, its bushy tail swishing from side-to-side. "I thought you could use my help."

Fajii has been released from her silence.

Semmi has been released from her silence.

Wind has been released from his silence.

/Alpha: Nix: Bali is left-handed; that illusion was shooting with the right.

Eron waited until Nix dropped his basilisk form before hopping up to his shoulder. "Mirror Illusion. The right is left and left is right."

/Alpha: Pon: What?

/Alpha: Semmi: Mirror effect, Pon. Hold an object in your right hand, then look into a mirror. If you imagine that the reflection is a person, they\'d be holding the object in their left hand.

Wind mumbled a curse under his breath. "There goes my Ravager armor."

Eron waited until Fajii approached before jumping to her shoulder. "There could be hidden mirrors everywhere. Once you pass in front of one, the caster can use your reflection to build an illusion."


Runes blazed into view on every surface of the room—walls, ceilings, and floors pulsed with the power of greater magic.

/Alpha: Pon: Fuck... No time...

The Keep collapsed downward, burying fighters from both sides under thousands of tons of stone. Dust and fire plumed upward like a giant flower blooming as the entire Bone Fortress shook with the impact.

[You have entered Kitsu.]

Nix stared blankly at the familiar clearing, his eyes scanning the area before resting on the handsome face of Eron\'s human form. "Why are we in Kitsu?"

Eron\'s dark eyes were angry, but his voice was calm. "I brought you here. You must go back now!"

"Wait! Why didn\'t you save Fajii?" Nix\'s voice faded as he disappeared from the clearing, leaving Eron by himself.

"Three reasons..." Eron spoke softly as if consoling himself. "One, Fajii made me take an oath, always save you if it\'s between you and her. Two... Fajii is a Scorched Earth Mage, a bunch of rocks falling on her isn\'t really a deathtrap, and three... The other members of Alpha won\'t be able to kill Hulo."

An instant later, Nix appeared in the Keep\'s lower levels, where Glacia and Sandi had died. All of the water that had been there previously was now gone. He checked his stats to verify that all of his spirit companions could be summoned.

[Summons: Mortimer]

[Summons: Ducky]

[Summons: Fey]

[Summons: Soup]

Morti appeared in his bone form, his sharp eyes scanning the area. "That was a dirty trick."

Ducky clucked in agreement. "He\'s clever."

Soup pointed to a cave that led deeper into the lower levels.

"Soup says he\'s down there." Ducky lay a hand on the sea-turtle\'s jade shoulder. "We going after him?"

Nix nodded. "Fey will stay and mount a second offensive. Gather the drakes and eliminate anyone who survived."

The thin mage summoned her staff with a nod. "I\'ll take care of it."

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