There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem

Chapter 88

… This was probably the most incompetent protagonist of all the mission worlds. He collected a harem but none of the men in the harem loved him… After roasting the protagonist for a bit, Ye Zhizhou refocused his thoughts on the plot. Since the male leads didn’t love the protagonist, why did they run away together to be with him?

He couldn’t figure it out so it’s better to put the problem aside from now. He skipped over all the lovey-dovey plot points and looked at another plot point he didn’t understand—Shen Zihao’s ending. If Shen Zixia and Su Yu didn’t love the protagonist, then towards this younger brother, they shouldn’t have hurt this killer… No, Su Yu would likely want to hurt him. After wiping his face, he sighed. Recently it seemed like his brain was a little short-circuited, it looked like Shen Zihao didn’t die. In the original plot, it only said he was imprisoned after being tortured and was never mentioned again… Let’s just assume that the original owner was in prison this entire time.

Trying to find a clue from Shen Zihao’s ending was fruitless. He moved his view to what Fan Lang did after his soul returned. After a long rehabilitation, Fan Lang recovered and his personality became much calmer. At this time, he was 26 years old and his peers were busy with their careers while only his memory was stuck in his university life. However, he didn’t seem to feel uncomfortable about it. After his body completely recovered, he entered his family’s company. He started as an ordinary office worker and became more familiar with business little by little, acting completely serious and hardworking.

… Serious and hardworking didn\'t seem like Fan Lang.

Ye Zhizhou frowned and tapped at this moment in the plot. Yin Feiyu seemed to have said that Fan Lang’s temperament had changed after he woke up… So, in the original plot, this serious and hard-working person should be the invading soul.

His train of thought became a bit clearer and he calmed down to continue to analyze the plot.

Fan Lang’s hard work won the praise and recognition of his family, but not for long. Fan Lang soon came out of the closet, and after coming out of the closet, he quickly abandoned his career and ran abroad with all his money to play around and seek excitement.

He frowned. This section seemed like something Fan Lang did himself—using money to pick up girls and have fun… Afterwards, the angry male leads came to find him and shut him up in the small black room.

Wait, small black room?

He finally realized what was wrong! In the entire plot, there wasn’t a description of the intimate scenes between the male leads and the protagonist! Not one time! Every time it was explained with the small black room and then the protagonist’s indignant attitude about being forced into the small black room! There were no depictions of typical couple actions like kissing or holding hands! At most, it was a hug… yes, it was Cen Yuebai’s hug!

All of the protagonist’s two-timing love scenes were written so straightforwardly, yet when it came to the male leads, it was all covered by the small black room. That\'s too abnormal. Could it be that when the males leads shut him in the small black room, they actually didn\'t xxoo? Then what\'s up with the protagonist\'s indignant attitude every time?

He suddenly remembered his lover’s ability to use talismans in this life and the fact that Su Yu loved the real Shen Mengxi. The broken trail finally connected. Yin Feiyu’s third eye, Cen Yuebai’s talisman manipulation ability, merged souls and the fact that Shen Zixia and Su Yu may have resented Fan Lang in their hearts… Were the male leads trying to separate the invading soul by shutting the protagonist in the little black room, and then to hide this fact, they created the facade of doing xxoo with the protagonist?

Then what about Zhang Lin and Cao Yu? Why were they involved in this? Cen Yuebai and Yin Feiyu got involved to get rid of the invading soul. Shen Zixia and Su Yu may have gotten involved for revenge, but what about the other two? To save their brother?

“…” He forced his wandering train of thought back, focusing on the real protagonist of the world, the invading soul.

If the small black room play was a fight between the male leads and the invading soul, why did they always choose to fight after the protagonist xxoo with someone? Combined with the theory of soul merging…could it be that there was something wrong with the protagonist’s soul merging in the original plot? So the dominant consciousness was sometimes the real Fan Lang and sometimes the invading soul? With Fan Lang’s personality, it must be his consciousness that’s dominant when he xxoo, so it must be that the male leads choose this time to shut him in the small black room…

He imagined the male leads’ expressions as they stared at the protagonist, hoping that he would run off to xxoo and Ye Zhizhou suddenly wanted to laugh. Finally, there was an explanation for why, in the original plot, Fan Lang would sometimes be diligent in his career while the other times he\'d run off to xxoo and have fun… With Cen Yuebai around, it seems like it would\'ve been difficult for the invading soul to smoothly merge souls.

His laughter didn’t last long. As the plot turned to the Yuan family, his just relaxed mood became heavy again.

Now, two of the protagonist’s soul flags have been transferred to the two children of the Yuan family. From this point of view, that invading soul either has a grudge against the Yuan family or covets something of the Yuan family.

When he went over the part where the protagonist and the big shot’s wife started their relationship again, he found a frightening fact. It was different from how the protagonist previously slept around. This time, the protagonist actually took the route of gentle care, cultivating affection first before climbing into bed. Also, the timing when the big shot found out about his wife’s infidelity was too coincidental, as if someone had told him.

His expression became grave and he turned the plot information to the part where the protagonist slept with the big shot\'s son and daughter.

… It’s too intentional. It was different from the original plot, where it said that the protagonist hated the male leads for ignoring him, so he slept with the son and daughter in anger. This was more like the protagonist slept with the son and daughter in order to deliberately provoke the big shot. It had nothing to do with the male leads at all.

And when this happened, it was already many years after the last time the protagonist was shut in that small black room. The male leads rarely appeared beside the protagonist. This time, the protagonist slept with the big shot’s wife and the male leads didn’t come out to deal with the aftermath, they were very passive. With his previous reasoning about why the male leads stayed with the protagonist, if they didn’t care about him anymore, it’s possible that the soul merging already completed and Fan Lang couldn\'t come back anymore…

He pondered over this section of the plot again, and suddenly a strange feeling came over him. The big shot was really angry after the protagonist slept with his wife, but he didn’t really do anything to him. He just caught the protagonist and abused him a bit, but the protagonist didn’t get any injuries, just some sleeping problems… Later on, when the protagonist slept with the big shot’s son and daughter, the big shot was also angry but he still didn’t move against him. In fact, the protagonist was actually killed by the big shot\'s wife, son, and daughter.

Why did it seem like the big shot didn’t want the protagonist dying? Furthermore, there’s a fight between the male leads and the big shot later, but the male leads’ revenge was very perfunctory while the big shot’s revenge was so fierce it forced the male leads to be serious. What made him the most suspicious was the big shot\'s reaction after his wife and children killed the protagonist. He actually buried the protagonist, divorced his wife, and didn\'t want either son or daughter. He threw all of his family property and enthusiasm into the fight with the male leads. Later, he left a will directly giving everything to his adopted son, not even leaving his son and daughter a single cent.

This big shot…

There was a thought that gradually came to the front of his mind. He wiped his face, and after preparing his mind, he threw his spiritual power into the network to investigate the big shot’s life experience. Half an hour later, he sat on the bed completely speechless.

This big shot… was bisexual. He started from the bottom and fought his way up but had a boyfriend that was his childhood sweetheart… Later, he abandoned his boyfriend because he was currying favor with the daughter of an affluent family and even got her pregnant…

His childhood sweetheart went crazy and wanted to kill the young lady but was killed by her instead. The big shot didn’t know about it at all. He thought that the childhood sweetheart was deeply hurt by this and moved abroad to heal…

Right now the big shot wasn\'t a big shot; he was just a son-in-law with no position in the young lady\'s family and was striving hard to make his way up.

He felt like a big pot of dog blood was pouring onto his head. He just wanted to kill the big shot right now.

“Done daydreaming?” Cen Yuebai, who was sitting quietly on the side acting like a wallflower, suddenly spoke. He walked forward and touched Ye Zhizhou’s eyes. “I want to know your real name and what you really look like… Suddenly, I envy Yin Feiyu. His third eye sees through the soul, so naturally, he can see your real appearance.”

Ye Zhizhou snapped out of his plot skimming and was stunned as he heard these words. He quickly took out a pen and paper from his space and drew, he didn’t care about exposing the secret space to his lover.

Cen Yuebai was surprised by the pen and paper that he retrieved from thin air, but the shock lasted only a short moment before he returned to normal. Unconsciously, he moved closer to Ye Zhizhou, with a ‘wanting to lock him up’ kind of domineering posture.

“There are no pictures, so I can only draw it for you. I’m not a good painter, you…” Ye Zhizhou suddenly felt a little shy. Halfway through drawing the picture he shrank bank and whispered, “My name—Ye Zhizhou… You…. you’re not allowed to think that I’m ugly. I don’t mind that you’re domineering and have a bad temper, so…”

Cen Yuebai showed a gentle smiling expression. He took the paper from his hand and examined it carefully. Then, he looked up into Ye Zhizhou’s eyes, suddenly smiling and hugging him. He sighed in his ear, “Very beautiful… Zhi Zhou from \'guan guan cry the ospreys, on the islet in the river\'?”

“No, it\'s not.” Ye Zhizhou couldn\'t help blushing and pulled at his clothes. “I’m an orphan. When I was at the welfare agency, I only had a number but no name. Later, I had to get a name if I wanted to go to school and the welfare agency let us choose one by ourselves. If I wasn’t satisfied with it after I became an adult, I could change it again… I was found on a sandbank in the forest, covered with tree leaves, so… So that was the name I picked… I didn’t know the poem at that time…” The more he spoke, the more embarrassed he became. He didn’t feel like there was a problem with his name before, but now… in front of his lover he felt particularly embarrassed…

“Sandbank in the forest, Ye Zhizhou.” Cen Yuebai rubbed his red ears and repeated himself in whispers. After a long time, he suddenly mumbled, “Xiao Zhou…”

This was the first time his lover had said his real name and an unprecedented, intense bashfulness suddenly rose up. He covered his red face in embarrassment, and then quickly covered Cen Yuebai\'s eyes. “Don’t randomly call out my name! Don’t look at me like that! Be more normal. D-don\'t say my name like that. ”

“Like what?” The corners of Cen Yuebai’s lips quirked up. “Xiao Zhou, could it be that you don\'t like me calling you this?”

Ye Zhizhou simply couldn’t stand this! His tone of voice plus the expression and his ambiguous manner of speaking at the end of the sentence… He simply rushed to press the other person onto the bed, even covering his mouth. At the pinnacle of his embarrassment, he became angry. “You need to chill! Close your eyes and don’t look at me!”

Cen Yuebai chuckled a few times, raised his arms to hug him, and then pulled him down. His fingers slowly slid across Ye Zhizhou\'s ears and neck, then he suddenly stretched out his tongue to lick his palm.

Ye Zhizhou quickly removed his hand and his eyes met the other’s smiling eyes. For a while, he was at a loss. He then simply climbed to the head of the bed, pulled the blanket over his head to fully cover himself and said in a loud voice, “Get out! Get out! I’m going to sleep!”

The bed shifted, and then the blanket on him was being pulled at. “You just woke up.”

He hurriedly tightened his grip on the blanket, then stretched his legs to kick at him. “I-I’m sleepy again! Is that not allowed? Aren’t you going to prepare the soul returning talisman for Mengxi? Go, go, stop sticking to me."

“The soul returning talisman has already been made.” His legs were pressed down, and then the blanket became heavy. A voice carrying laughter could be heard above his head, “Right now, I want to be with my family\'s Xiao Zhou and talk about love.”

Ah ah ah! Foul! This isn\'t fair! He didn’t even know his lover’s real name or initial appearance! No… His lover was reborn normally in every life, it seems like all of his names and appearances were his own… Anyway, it’s not fair!

Shen Zixia found that Cen Yuebai and his brother have become more sticky. In front of him, his hedgehog-like brother directly turned into a soft and cute rabbit when facing Cen Yuebai… His heart felt a bit stuffy and he wanted some peace. What he didn\'t see, he didn\'t have to think about. Shen Zixia went to the room next door but felt so suffocated by his cousin’s foolish face that he wanted to disappear from the world.

The world was just too unfriendly to single people… He leaned against the wall outside the room and suddenly wanted to smoke.

“Smoking is forbidden in hospitals.” The hand that had reached into his pocket was pressed down. He looked sideways and saw Yin Feiyu standing in front of him with a paralyzed face, his eyebrows raised. Shen Zixia looked down and saw that the thing pressing down on his hand was a record chart.

He took out the box of mints in his pocket and shook them at the other. “Doctor, would you like one? Guaranteed to refresh and clear your mind. ”

Yin Feiyu stared at the box of mints, slowly taking back the record chart as he shifted the topic. “How is Shen Mengxi\'s body?”

Shen Zixia, who was trying to be a good brother recently, immediately became alert and looked at him defensively while asking, “Why do you care so much about Mengxi? It can\'t be that you really have some ideas about her?" He had already learned the reason why Yin Feiyu approached Mengxi before from his younger brother. Previously, it was because he saw the soul in her body wasn’t right, however, the soul was now proper so why was this doctor still popping up?

Yin Feiyu looked him up and down and then continued to ask, “How is Shen Zihao\'s body?"

“It can\'t be that you also have ideas about my brother?!” He immediately became more defensive.

Unable to communicate.

Yin Feiyu abandoned the idea of talking with this man who couldn’t understand and directly pushed the door of Ye Zhizhou’s room open. After entering, he slammed the door shut.

Shen Zixia was jolted back to rationality by the loud sound of the door slamming. After standing there stiffly, he distressingly wiped his face. It seems normal for a doctor to care about his patient’s physical condition… Recently he has been overstimulated and he had a bit of an overreaction.

The door clicked open again and Yin Feiyu came out from behind it, turning to look at him deeply before suddenly saying, “I suggest that you go to the psychiatry department downstairs and have a look.” After saying this, he immediately left, running away after saying these rage-inducing words.

Shen Zixia choked and then was furious. It’s no wonder that the doctor-patient relationship wasn’t good now. With that kind of attitude from the other side, the patient’s family would really want to tear down the hospital in minutes!

Cen Yuebai then walked out of the room. It seemed like he wasn’t surprised at all that Shen Zixia was outside of the room. He took out a paper talisman and said, “Get ready, we can return Shen Mengxi’s soul in a bit.”

The author has something to say:

Thank you 1 Degree Pudding for the grenade! Thank you Iceberg for the two mines! Thank you, Jun Shi, KekeGuai and Giant Floating Whale for the mines! I love you so much =3=

PS: Sweet Story ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿

Aaaaa we get some sweet ML and MC interaction :blobmelt: and we also get to learn more about YZZ’s life before he started transmigrating

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